Step 2: Draw the chick's little feet on the orange paper and cut them out.
Step 3: Draw a triangle, cut it out and roll it into a cone for the chick's beak.
Step 4: Draw a face for the chick and glue the beak onto the wooden bead.
Step 5: Glue the legs on the bottom of the pot and the chick's head to the top of the pot.
Step 6: Tie a bow on the chick's neck from the ribbon.
Step 7: Using your glue stick, glue on a couple of faux feathers to create the chick's wings.
Step 8: Draw a circle with a serrated edge on the light yellow paper and cut it out. Make a little cut in the paper so that you can make it into a cone and glue it up to the top of the chick's head.