Light Brown Acrylic Paintor a mix of brown, red, yellow
White Marker
Black Buttons
Begin by painting your paper plate a light brown color. If you don't have a light brown on hand you can make the perfect gingerbread color by mixing brown, a touch of red, and a small amount of yellow. Once you have finished painting your plate, let it dry.
The next step is to punch holes all around the outside edge of the paper plate.
Cut a long strand of yarn and tape one end to the back of the paper plate.
Put a piece of tape around the other end so that it won't unravel while lacing.
Begin lacing the edge of the paper plate. You can either go around the edge or in and out like sewing.
Once you’re all the way around, tape the final end to the back of the plate, as well. Now that you have the lacing done you can draw a fun gingerbread man mouth with your white marker. You can draw circles for cheeks, too. Finally, glue two black buttons in place for the eyes.