6chocolate frosted cupcakesmake your own or store-bought
6Nutter Butter cookies
12candy eyeballs
3Orange Reese’s Piecescut in half
Cookie decorating gelred
Candy Cornyou will need 30, 5 for each Turkey
Chocolate sprinkles
A small amount of homemade icing to use as glue for the turkey face. See notes for simple homemade icing recipe.
Using a toothpick, you are going to apply a drop of icing to the back of each candy eyeball. Apply each eyeball about ½ inch down from the top center of each Nutter Butter cookie.
Next, you are going to apply a drop of icing to a ½ piece of Reese’s Pieces candy. Apply to the cookie for the nose, right under the eyeballs.
Add a small line of red cookie decorating gel right next to “nose” to create the gobbler.
Now you are ready to stick the cookie down into the frosted cupcake, right in the center. About ½ the cookie should stick out when you are finished.
Behind the cookie, starting in the center, insert a piece of candy corn into the frosting. Repeat this process twice on each side of the one that you just inserted, until you have 5 “feathers”.
Add sprinkles all over the chocolate frosting and you are done with your adorable and easy turkey cupcakes.
To make a small batch of homemade icing: ¼ cup powdered sugar and ½ teaspoon of milk. Stir well to combine. If too thick, add a bit more milk. If too thin, add a bit more powdered sugar.