My personal favorite way to use [easyazon_link identifier="B000GAT6NG" locale="US" tag="thgisli03-20"]coconut oil[/easyazon_link] is as a carrier oil when using my essential oils. If you don't use essential oils then i'm sure you are like what does that even mean. A carrier oil is basically just a base oil used to dilute essential oils before they are applied to the skin. However, there are so so many more ways and reasons to use coconut oil and if you keep reading I am going to tell you about a few.
First off lets start with what most people probably use it for and that is with food.
Food and Drink
- Ideal for baking and cooking meals at high heat
- As a butter replacement (especially on popcorn)
- Flavoring your tea or coffee
- Substituting for vegetable oil when cooking
Now lets move on to why I love it and why I think this type of oil is pretty amazing.
Health and Beauty
- Minimize acne inflammation
- Salt scrub for dry skin, mix with salt for this
- Boosting your energy... instead of a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of coconut oil.
- Not only boosts energy but boosts your metabolism as well
- Soothes psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis
- Boost bone health. It helps the body to absorb calcium and magnesium.
- To sooth heartburn or nausea
- Soothe sunburns
- Used as lip balm, moisturizes and protects the lips
- Reduces the itch of insect bytes
- Improves Cholesterol. It contains Lauric Acid which increases good HDL levels.
- Boosts immunity with its antibacterial and antiviral properties.
If you like this post you also might like my health and beauty benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar post as well.
If you just like to check out how different products are used in unexpected ways then make sure you pop over and check out all my posts I have done with those as well.
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