Brooms and Ladders, a printable Halloween game for kids, is a great way to spend your night this Halloween.

Brooms and Ladders is a fun Halloween take on your classic children's game, Chutes and Ladders.
All you need to play this game is a single die and a few place markers.
I recommend cute Halloween-shaped erasers as markers. You can play the game and use the eraser after the fact.
The object of the game, just like traditional chutes and ladders, is to be the first to get from start to finish.
In this Brooms and Ladders version, you climb up the ladders and slide down the brooms.
Example Scenario: So you will want to begin by rolling your die, if you roll a 5, you will land on a ladder and climb up to 10. If the second go around you landed on a 2 you would end up at 12 which has a broom causing you to slide back down to 4.
Printable Brooms and Ladders Halloween Game for Kids!
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