These gift wrapping techniques are perfect to make the gifts you're giving this year truly one-of-a-kind. Give your gift's the star treatment.

If you are a gift-giver who likes to put a lot of thought into making the gift perfect all around, wrapping and all, then this post is for you.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with regular wrapping paper and a bow on top but sometimes you just want to break out of that same ole same ole and go with something a little more creative and unique.
I hope these gift wrapping techniques can give you a little inspiration this holiday season.
Unique & Creative Gift Wrapping Techniques
There are so many great ways you can think out of the box when it comes to wrapping paper.
How about creating your own designs like these polka dots, chalkboard designs, or thumbprints lights?
Then you can go all out and just create a whole different style and make a reindeer out of a brown paper bag. So cute!
- DIY Polka Dot Wrapping Paper
- Chalkboard Gift Wrapping
- Brown Bag Reindeer
- Thumbprint Christmas Lights
- Starry Eyed Wrapping
- Hand Painted Gift Wrap
- Magazine or Newspaper Wrap
Of course, you can't forget the topper!
I have used numerous things in years past to wrap my presents such as raffia and twine but I am really digging these tulle and pom bows.
I can't wait to try these ideas.
A sticker name tag does the job but what about using something a little more fun like a newspaper cutout?
You could even attach a letter or other ornament and it is a whole new gift in itself.
- Typographic Gift Wrap
- Paper Christmas Tree
- Sparkly Ribbon Gift Wrap
- Letter or Number Gift Tags
- Christmas Tree on Car Package
- Bakers Twine Wrap
If you enjoyed these gift wrapping techniques be sure to check out these other posts as well.
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