Looking for a fun and easy Easter craft? Try making a terra cotta pot carrot for that perfect homemade holiday decor piece.

Materials you will need:
- Clay Pots – 2.5”, 2”, 1.5” in diameter (one each)
- Natural Jute Twine or Ribbon (optional)
- Silk Greenery (you can find this at stores like hobby lobby or most likely even your local dollar store)
- Foam Cone
- Acrylic Craft Paint – Bright Orange, Medium Orange, Dark Orange
- Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
- Plastic Knife
- Scissors
- Paintbrush
- Ruler
How to make a stacked terra cotta pot carrot!
Gather all your materials and remove all packaging and labels.
Basecoat all three clay pots with medium orange acrylic craft paint.
Let the paint dry and then apply a second coat, if necessary.
Glue the small clay pot into the medium clay pot with a glue gun and glue sticks.
Secure the large clay pot inside the medium clay pot.
Glue the clay pots together at different angles to give the carrot some character.
Apply random swashes of bright orange and dark orange acrylic craft paint to the exterior of the clay pots to replicate the texture of a carrot.
Cut a foam cone in half with a plastic knife. Secure the larger half inside the clay pot with a glue gun and glue sticks.
Basecoat the foam with medium orange acrylic craft paint. Let dry, and apply a second coat, if necessary.
Trim the stems from silk greenery with wire cutters.
Insert the greenery stems into the center of the foam to replicate the green stem and fronds of a carrot.
Optional - Measure and cut a 12” length of ribbon or natural jute twine, and then tie it in a bow. Trim any long ends with scissors.
Attach the bow to the front center of the Clay Pot Carrot with a glue gun and glue sticks.
Make several carrots with different sizes and configurations of clay pots and create a gorgeous centerpiece for your Easter Dinner table.
Even more cute Easter decor ideas!
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